Schools Commissions
With 15 years experience in Arts Education, Deb Hoy undertakes commissions to create temporary and permanent artwork for schools. Deb offers thematic workshops and skill development for KS1-KS4 and leads INSET training days to help teaching professionals build their confidence in delivering innovate art lessons.
Deb Hoy also works as a consultant alongside Senior Leadership Teams to develop, implement and embed creative curriculums, and can undertake Artist-in-Residence placements for in-depth creative exploration and whole-school engagement.
Anahata Torus, Donaldson Science Block, Kimbolton School, UK

RA 250 workshops, Royal Academy of Arts, London, UK
Insect installation, Marner Primary School, London, UK
Double Bend, Artist in Residence project, Kimbolton School, UK
“I love the way you work with pupils and staff. You’re a really natural and relaxed facilitator, and the children respond so well to the activities and the way in which you deliver them. A real treat to see.”
— Rob Smith, Former Head of Education, Bow Arts Trust